I figured it was about time for an update!
Both August and my self have been pretty busy the last month or so. I have recently revisited my love for sewing and August kept him self busy with getting a couple of our lambs we raised ready for a sale.
At the beginning of March Bella had her fourth litter of puppies and once again had a whopping 7... not sure where she keeps all of them. They have been
growing like crazy the last couple weeks and have really enjoyed being outside when... this is when it is warm out. If you know of anyone or if you yourself are looking for a great pet, they will be ready for new homes May 5th!
It took a couple days but we found a name we loved for our new puppy, her name is Britt. She has been a wonderful addition to our family... she is a very energetic puppy, she runs circles around Buddy and Bella. Her favorite thing
to play with is our cat Blizzard; she plays with Blizzard as much as she can... or until Blizzard climbs to the top of the trees to get away from her. I've always heard the stories of firefighters having to go and rescue cats out of trees but had never seen a cat climb a tree... well Blizzard defiantly is a tree climber, he just kept going up the tree and out of the branches... we didn't have the call out the firefighters though to get him down. August decided he would climb the tree to "rescue" him... I'm pretty sure Blizzard didn't need to be rescued though.
In April we attended our first lamb sale as consigners. For a few weeks we finally had some livestock at our house instead of at our parent's farm. We took a weather and a ewe lamb to the Iowa State Block and Bridle lamb sale. Of course the day of the sale was when there was the blizzard in April, so we weren't sure what to expect for buyers, and since it was our first sale we weren't sure if we would sell either of the lambs. To our surprise we sold both of the lambs, we were both pretty excited about how everything went at the sale and plan to go back next and maybe even try selling at another sale or two. I was pretty nervous watching while the lambs were selling.
Probably the most exciting news from the last couple months was.................
August’s promotion at work, he has been promoted to Station Manager at the Knoke(sp) buying station (for those of you like my self who have no clue where that is... it is straight west of Fort Dodge about 20 minutes) So, it looks like we might be moving yet again this summer or fall hopefully some where in between both of our jobs. So much for not moving for awhile, but it is well worth August really enjoys his job... maybe not the hour or so drive to and from work everyday though.
Hopefully it isn't so long before I update again!
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